Welcome to My World of Color and Texture.

Lynlee Sky
Mosaic and Ceramic Artist

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Art & Yoga

 I do not "do" yoga.
When I spend time experimenting with
shapes, movements, human physical expressions
I follow the secret pathway into an ancient art form
now-a-days called yoga.
When I am in a certain frame of body and mind I gain
entrance into a timeless place,
no history,  no future,  no past.
 I get relief from the shallow, narrow world
of era, current culture, country, gender in
which my mind gets absorbed into thinking this is truth.
I transcend the turkey, reindeer, the easter bunny.
I am admitted into a space where none of these icons,
beliefs, labels, politics have sway over me.
I get admitted into a chance to glimpse freedom.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Me 'n My Dog Pip


