Welcome to My World of Color and Texture.

Lynlee Sky
Mosaic and Ceramic Artist

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Fine or Funny Furniture?

A table design being laid out before setting the tiles.
This was Jimmy's bedside table,
I did ask him before painting it....
The table is finished!

Fine furniture, no, but funny for sure!

End of Years Ears

2 days more will finish the second Elephant Ear.
The New Year will bring on the Elephant Face!

Friday, December 14, 2012

An Inspiration

Bill Cunningham is a fashion photographer for the New York Times.
See if you can find the documentary on him, it is wonderful.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Holiday Cheer

Signs of the season deck the walkway
this warm December day.

Domestic Scene

Our 2 cats in the yard have moved into the house
and enjoy spending the morning on the couch.